27th - 29th September 2024

"Make your voice the buzz that sparks global change!"

Letter from the Secretary General

To whom it may concern,

Welcome to BEES Model United Nations Conference 2024, an external Model United Nations Conference that will be held in Tenby International School Setia EcoHill.

In an era marked by rapid globalization the imperative for global political engagement has never been more critical. BEESMUNC'24 is designed as a pivotal platform for tomorrow's leaders to confront global challenges and harness opportunities.

Our mission is to foster a deep understanding of international relations and cultivate political awareness, preparing young minds for the complexities of a globalized world. We aim to foster a forum where the youth can refine their negotiation skills, develop leadership capabilities, and cultivate a profound sense of empathy and collaboration amongst diverse communities. It is our collective responsibility to ensure that the voices of youth are not only heard but are also influential in shaping the future of global governance and international relations.

The name BEESMUNC'24 was chosen with intentionality and purpose. Bees, as tenacious workers and vital members in our ecosystem, symbolize the values of teamwork, perseverance, and the critical importance of every individual's contribution to collective goals. In the same spirit, BEESMUNC'24 aims to embody these qualities by encouraging delegates to work tirelessly, collaborate effectively, and contribute meaningfully to our society through diplomatic engagement and policy-making. Through the theme, “Make your voice the buzz that sparks global change,” we underscore the need for active engagement and the power of informed dialogue in driving sustainable change across the globe.

As we embark on this journey, I am confident in the transformative potential of BEESMUNC'24 to inspire a series of informed actions and leadership among our participants.

Elliott Azli

About Us

At Tenby International School Setia EcoHill, we provide students with the resources, facilities and freedom to learn and get better at a purposeful pace. We are constantly monitoring and realigning our strategies to ensure their constant growth and improvement.